Texas VHF-FM Society Navigation
Texas VHF-FM Society

Texas VHF-FM Society Band Plans

6 Meter Band Plan
50.000 - 50.100CW (50.06 - 50.08 Beacon sub-band)
50.100 - 50.300Weak Signal SSB (50.125, 50.200 Calling Freqs.)
50.300 - 50.600 Mixed Modes (50.400 AM Calling Freq.)
50.600 - 50.780Packet and other data modes
50.800 - 51.000Model Radio Control Channels - 20 KHz steps - (DO NOT OPERATE HERE)
51.010 - 51.100Pacific DX Window - Weak Signal SSB / CW
51.100 - 51.530Simplex
51.550 - 52.390Repeater Inputs - 20 KHz spacing odd 10 KHz
52.410 - 52.530Simplex - 52.525 National Calling Freq.
52.550 - 52.990Repeater Inputs - 20 KHz spacing odd 10 KHz (See Note 2)
52.550 - 53.390Repeater Outputs - 20 KHz spacing odd 10 KHz (See Note 2)
53.410 - 53.530Simplex
53.530BeaconNet APRS
53.550 - 53.990Repeater Outputs - 20 KHz spacing odd 10 KHz
Note 1. All Repeater input to output spacing is 1.000 MHz. Low input - High output
Note 2. Input / Output channels coordinated on case by case basis in this section.
Note 3. Old RC Channels 53.1 to 53.8 on 100 KHz channels protected until Dec. 31, 2001

148 MHz Band Plan
144.000 - 144.100CW
144.100 - 144.275Weak Signal SSB (144.200 Calling Freq.)
144.275 - 144.300Propagation Beacons
144.300 - 144.500Satellite Sub-Band
144.390Automatic Position Reporting System
144.500 - 144.900Repeater Inputs - paired with 145.10-145.50 Outputs
144.900 - 145.100Packet
145.100 - 145.500Repeater Outputs - 20 KHz spacing odd 10 KHz (-)
145.500 - 145.800Simplex and Experimental
145.800 - 146.000Satellite Sub-Band

146.020 - 146.400Repeater Inputs - paired with 146.62-147.00 Outputs
146.400 - 146.600Simplex (146.520 Natl. Calling Freq.)
146.620 - 147.000Repeater Outputs - 20 KHz spacing even 10 KHz (-)
147.000 - 147.380Repeater Outputs - 20 KHz spacing even 10 KHz (+)
147.400 - 147.600Simplex
147.600 - 147.980Repeater Inputs - paired with 147.00-147.38 Outputs
Note 1. All Repeater input to output spacing is 600 KHz.
Note 2. The 145.25 Tx, 144.65 Rx repeater pair is a limited range, shared, non-protected channel and requires CTCSS or equivalent on the input and output
Last Revised (August 6, 2011) Last Updated (January 15, 2012)

219 to 220 and 222 to 225 MHz Band Plan
219.000 - 220.000Secondary Point to Point fixed digital message forwarding see FCC rules Part 97.303(e) for details
222.000 - 222.150Weak Signal Modes
222.100SSB/CW Calling Freq.
222.180 - 223.380Repeater Inputs
223.400 - 223.500Simplex
223.500National Calling Freq.
223.520 - 223.640Packet
223.660 - 223.760Links and Control Freq.
223.780 - 224.980Repeater Outputs
Note: All Repeater input to output spacing is 1.600 MHz. Low input - High output.
Last Updated (June 03, 2007)

440 to 450 MHz Band Plan
440.000 - 440.500Digital Wide Band Output (50 or 100 KHz wide)
440.525 - 440.725Digital Narrow Band Output
440.750 - 440.975Cross Band Repeat - Fixed
441.000Narrow Band Packet
441.025 - 441.075Simplex NBFM Voice
441.100 - 441.175Simplex NB Digital
441.200 - 441.275Control Channels (Ph. II) (12.5 KHz spacing)
441.300 - 441.375Backyard Repeater Output (see Note 2)
441.400 - 441.475Control Channels (Ph. I) (12.5 KHz spacing)
441.500 - 441.975Low Pwr NBFM Repeater Output (100 W., 100 ft.)
442.000 - 444.975NBFM Repeater Output
445.000NASA Select NBFM Audio
445.000 - 445.500Digital Wide Band Input (50 or 100 KHz wide)
445.525 - 445.725Digital Narrow Band Input
445.750 - 445.975Cross Band Repeat - Mobile
446.000National Simplex NBFM Voice
446.025 - 446.075Simplex NBFM Voice
446.100 - 446.175Simplex NB Digital
446.200 - 446.275One-Way Links (Ph. II) (split site repeaters)
446.300 - 446.375Backyard Repeater Input (see Note 2)
446.400 - 446.475One-Way Links (Ph. I) (split site repeaters)
446.500 - 446.975Low Pwr NBFM Repeater Input
447.000 - 449.975NBFM Repeater Input
Note 1: All NBFM operations are 25 KHz spacing unless otherwise noted. Note 2: Backyard repeaters are limited range, shared, non-protected channels and require CTCSS or equivalent on input and output.
Last Updated (June 3, 2007 )

900 MHz Band Plan
902.0 - 903.0Weak Signal work
903.0 - 903.2NBFM Simplex for use with Japanese 'CB' rigs
903.2 - 904.0Narrow Band links and control simplex. 25 kHz channel spacing
904.0 - 905.0Narrow Band links and control duplex pairs, paired with 916.0 - 917.0 25 kHz channel spacing
905.0 - 908.0Repeater Outputs on 25 kHz channels. 905.0 905.1 reserved for non-FM repeaters (ACSB or linear translator) Paired with 917.0 - 920.0
908.0 - 909.0Wide band modes (packet, WBFM, etc.) simplex channels (spacing to be determined)
909.0 - 910.0Wide band modes duplex channels (spacing to be determined) Paired with 921.0 - 922.0
910.0 - 916.0ATV channel 1
916.0 - 917.0Narrow Band duplex link and control (paired with 904.0 - 905.0)
917.0 - 920.0Repeater Inputs (paired with 905.0 - 908.0)
920.0 - 921.0Wide band modes simplex channels (spacing to be determined)
921.0 - 922.0Wide band duplex (paired with 909.0 - 910.0)
922.0 - 928.0ATV Channel 2
Last Updated (September 06, 2008

1200 MHz Band Plan

The Texas VHF-FM Society Frequency Coordination committee and invited guests gathered at the University of Texas at Arlington on Saturday, 25 September 1993.

Merle Taylor WB5EPI, Buddy Brown WD5DBB, Paul Gilbert KE5ZW, Chuck Adams WB5WRR, Paul Baumgardner KB5BFJ, Jerrel Jones W5TUU, Steve Jones WB5SGN, Louis Bancook WB5UUT, Dave Davis WB5WIA, Ray Wangler W5EDZ, Herb Crosby WD5EFC, Bruce Vitallero KJ5AY, Bill Moore N5ZPR, and Walt Wiederhold W5OGZ were in attendance.

They met to discuss various coordination issues ranging from implementing the new UHF band plan, discussing the renewal process, a proposed statewide repeater directory and changes for 1.2 Ghz.

Special thanks to Dave Davis WB5WIA for hosting the meeting at the UTA Engineering building.

The following is the recommendation from the committee:

1240-1260 remains ATV activity
1260-1270 remains Satellite activity
1270-1275 repeater inputs
1276-1282 remains ATV activity
1282-1290 wide band modes
1290-1295 FM narrow band repeaters and simplex activity
1295-1300 wide band weak signal activity

The repeater portion is broken into the following:
24low power "backyard repeater" channels
169high power channels
12simplex channels
1291.00 Statewide Low Power NB FM experimental pair (low power, CTCSS, less than 100' antenna height)
1295.00 Statewide Space Shuttle Rebroadcast channel

The following is the specific 1240-1300 band plan:
1240.00 atv channel 1 band edge
1241.25 atv channel 1 video carrier
1246.00 atv channel 1 band edge/channel 4 band edge
FM ATV band edge
1247.25 atv channel 4 video carrier
1252.00 atv channel 2 band edge/channel 4 band edge
FM ATV video carrier
1253.25 atv channel 2 video carrier
1258.00 atv channel 2 band edge/FM ATV band edge
1258.00 - 1259.99 open
1260.00 satellite band edge
1270.00 satellite band edge
1270.00 - 1270.08 NB FM simplex (5 pairs i.e. 1270.00, .02, .04, etc.)
1270.10 - 1274.48 NB FM repeater inputs (every 20 khz i.e. 1270.10,.12, .14, .16, etc.)
1274.50 NB FM simplex channel
1274.52 - 1274.98NB FM repeater inputs (every 20 khz i.e. 1274.52,.54, .56, etc.)
1275.00 - 1275.99 open**
1276.00 atv channel 3 band edge
1277.25 atv
1282.00 atv channel 3 band edge
1282.02 - 1289.98 WB modes**
1290.00 - 1290.08 NB FM simplex (5 pairs at 20 khz spacing,i.e. 1290.00, .02, .04, etc.)
1291.10 - 1290.98 NB FM Repeater Outputs (45 pairs at 20 khz spacing) i.e. 1291.10, .12, .14, .16, etc.)
1291.00 NB FM Experimental Repeater pair
1291.02 - 1291.48 Low Power NB FM Repeater Pairs (24 pairs at 20 khz)
1291.50 - 1294.48 NB FM Repeater Outputs (100 pairs at 20 khz)
1294.50 National NB FM Simplex
1294.52 - 1294.98 NB FM Repeater Outputs (24 channels at 20 khz)
1295.00 space shuttle audio channel
1295.01 - 1295.98 open (guard band for weak signal)
1296.00 CW calling (nationwide)
1296.10 SSB calling (nationwide)
1297.00 wide band weak signal lower edge
1299.99 wide band weak signal upper edge
We are still considering other needs, such as packet, duplex packet and other modes which may require shuffling other allocations. This is a first attempt to initiate discussion among the various 1.2 Ghz users.
Nov 6, 1993

Portable Repeaters (as reprinted from Fall 2007 Newsletter vol 41 no. 5 page 11)

The zone coordinators have had several requests over the past few months for portable repeaters. The committee has agreed upon the following policy for requests for portable "emergency" repeaters:

1. The trustees should utilize UHF pairs of TX/RX 441.300/446.300, 441.325/446.325, 441.350/446.350, 441.375/446.375. These backyard pairs are available on a "first come, first serve basis" and will not be published in the repeater directory.

2. 12.5 kHz and 10 kHz spacing is also allowed for portable repeaters from 441.300 to 441.375 but must be coordinated in cooperation with the local zone coordinator.

3. Their is no geographical spacing requirement for co-channel systems

4. The users must accept co-channel interference

5. The repeater must have PL on the input and output

6. The antenna height should be 100 ft AGL or less and output no greater than 100W ERP

w3c validate